The Circus of Horrors show, which will tour the UK this year, have lined up a "wolf boy" from Mexico but have come across new government legislation that stipulates that all jobs must be advertised in the UK on websites, and through other mediums including with Job Centre Plus.
The show's creator, Dr Haze, said: "Its a strange state of affairs, we are pretty sure there are not any Wolf Boys or Girls in the UK but we still have to advertise the job over here, the thing is the applicant must be a genuine Wolf person."
All applicants must have circus skills to a high standard and a minimum of 60,000 hairs growing on their face, linking up with the hairline.
The job will run from January 10 to March 23 and will perform in 57 different venues from Jersey to Aberdeen.
The job can be viewed here.
The Circus of Horrors will come to the Mansfield Palace Theatre on Friday, February 8 at 7.30pm.