In past centuries
Whales were sought
for their flesh and oil,
The baleen was noted, and bought
to be like ivory,
Made into statues, carved,
To end their days
of herds of whales and elephants,
Carried by some, jawbones
and tusks, desired
by others, caught
in this way of trade,
Not even just halved
As whales are decimated,
So are elephants,
In vast numbers, relevant,
For sale
in countries denied
of real life ,
So proscribe us to cease
Buying baleen and ivory,
It is some mammals' lives, defiled,
When they only want peace,
And be left in the wild.
Garfield Close
I remember all my Valentine's
They are deep within my heart
Every one was so special
Until the day we had to part
You see my loved one passed away
After many years together
All the memories of Valentine's Day
To me I will always treasure
Red roses were always given to me
And a candlelit meal for two
Every time Valentine's comes around
My everlasting love I send to you
And on this special day
I place by your picture frame
A bunch of red roses in memory
To ease my heartache and pain.
Portland Road
There are many things that have changed
Since those days when everyone worked
All their lives to pay for their clothes and food
Rent to be paid to keep a roof over one's head
But in these days one cannot remember many
Of the people who were suffering from obesity
For there were less benefits to allow them to sit
All day wondering what else they wanted to eat
Now many of them wait for their cheque to come
And then complain if it does not arrive on time
So they spend all their time living in comfort
Sitting in idleness and growing ever more fat
Until every move they make causes them pain
Then they want the fitness of their youth again
But the medical people say it is much too late
There are no new bodies after all their neglect.
Tunstall Crescent
I envy the breeze
That ruffles your hair
Softly breathes on your brow
And caresses your skin
Close friends who receive
Your tokens of love
And suitors who strive
Your favours to win
But kisses that are not invited
Romance that is unrequited
A troth that will remain unplighted
Means we'll never be united.
Winter's funeral is a'coming,
spring's in hiding round the corner,
Birds are singing, bee's a'humming,
melting snow man the sole mourner.
Daffodils by far the bravest,
reaching tall to a tepid sun.
Trumpeting petals in defiance,
setting winter on the run.
The iron fist of ice is easing,
'neath timid sun with cloudy lashes,
Birds are courting, dancing brazen,
Building nests on last year's ashes.
Pale green shoots are shyly rising,
the first green flush of season new
Pushing aside the long dead carpet,
glistening now with gentle dew
Now the sun is in a hurry,
warming up and forging on
Buds are swelling – bursting – blooming,
Hallelujah, winter's gone!
Colwick Park
I looked at the clock, my life was slowly ebbing away.
I didn't think I would reach 40, what a high price to pay.
I was coming off tranquillisers 15 a day prescribed by my then GP,
But the withdrawal symptoms were so horrendous I could hardly see.
I was constantly being sick night and day,
All I could do was to sit and pray this nightmare would go away.
I couldn't walk properly, my balance had completely gone,
I couldn't pay privately, as money I had none.
I also had agoraphobia, so I couldn't even go out of the door,
This wasn't a life worth living any more.
All I was left with, was to say a prayer,
To ask for a miracle. Lay my soul bare.
A week or so later, a letter in my hand,
An appointment with a new doctor, I could hardly stand.
Over the next year a miracle unfolded, bit by bit.
I didn't even have to walk with my stick.
I started to go out a bit more each day,
Various obstacles got in my way.
But I was determined, I was not going back,
I mapped out a plan to keep myself on track.
I did it, I conquered my agoraphobia, and got off the pills.
I even went to college for the first time to learn new skills.
I went on radio, television, newspapers and magazines all covered my story.
The miracle I prayed for had happened, mine was now the glory.
Birkin Avenue