A £1.9m project to create a state-of-the-art outdoor sports area has moved a step closer.
The sport zone project at The Forest recreation ground has received £200,000 from a health authority.
NHS Nottingham City has matched city council investment in the project.
Dr Chris Kenny, director of public health with the health authority, said: "The city's parks and open spaces are a vital resource for encouraging our citizens to take part in more regular exercise – something that is a key aim for us in public health.
"This is why we are contributing to The Forest recreation ground sports zone. It will help upgrade the sports facilities for all age groups and abilities as well as improving safety."
The development will provide a new sports pavilion, changing rooms and a new sports pitch.
Jim Taylor is chairman of The Forest Working Group and has been on the committee of local people involved in planning the project. He welcomed the health authority's contribution.
"We've made some fantastic progress," he said.
"It's been a magnificent process so far and we just want everybody's help to get it over the line. We've had a group working to try to regenerate The Forest for nearly 13 years.
"There's a growing need to have a quality facility. We want to use it as a vehicle for engaging young people."
City councillors have agreed to outsource management and operation of the sports zone for 25 years, saying this will save £104,000.
City councillor Dave Trimble, portfolio holder for leisure, culture and tourism, said: "This is a fantastic step towards our sports zone at The Forest recreation ground.
"I'm delighted that the primary care trust is a part of this project, which will go a long way to enhancing the health of Nottingham citizens."
The sports centre will be built on the north-eastern corner of the site, which was formerly a bowling green. It also used to contain a pavilion and putting green.
The pavilion was destroyed by arsonists in 2004, and the bowlers who once used the site have moved.
More cash is still needed for the scheme. A bid has gone in to the Football Foundation for £600,000 and another to not-for-profit business WREN.