A £350,000 programme has been launched to train staff working with dementia sufferers in Notts.
The number of people in the county with dementia is expected to rise from 9,700 to 15,000 by 2025 and the funding is being provided by Notts County Council.
So far 28 care homes have signed up to the 12-month university-recognised programme on dementia care.
The first group has started this month, the second will begin in March.
Participants will learn how dementia can affect a person and their families, and how to recognise and respond to the needs of people with the condition.
County council staff who monitor the standards of care in local residential and nursing homes are also receiving training to ensure best practice in dementia care and help provide support to other care providers where improvement is required.
Councillor Kevin Rostance, of Notts County Council, said: "The council is committed to driving up standards of care in the county and dementia is a particular challenge locally and nationally.
"This training programme will help equip care staff in the county with the skills and knowledge they need to look after people with the condition effectively."
Notts care homes or home care organisations wanting to participate in future dementia training programmes can contact Claire Poole on 0115 977 2923 or e-mail at istraining@nottscc.gov.uk.