Matt Copley
Branch manager
Hucknall haart
THE key to buying your first home is planning. It sounds boring but save up for a decent deposit, ideally ten per cent of the property value, then budget your income and set a saving plan. Take advice from your bank on a mortgage and also from the estate agent's mortgage adviser who may have better deals. Once you have your deposit and checked you can get a mortgage the fun bit starts – viewing. On average, a first-time buyer views more than ten houses before they offer. Make friends with the estate agent, they should put you top of the list if you're motivated and want to buy.
Paul Walters
Associate director
Miller Homes East Midlands
FirstBuy is perfect as it allows those meeting the qualifying criteria to purchase 100 per cent of a selected property but pay just 80 per cent now, with the participating builder and the Government equally funding the remainder in the form of an equity loan.
We appreciate there are many things for people to think about when buying their first home and we hope that, by explaining things face-to-face, we can help make the process easier.
Our advice is to visit our sales centres and have a chat with our property experts about the best options and incentives available.