A SHOPLIFTER has been banned from entering Bulwell for two years.
Brett Riley, 31, of Salterford Road, in Hucknall, who has 77 convictions for theft and numerous prison sentences for his offences, would regularly travel into Bulwell to steal from shops in the town centre.
When challenged by shop staff, Riley would often become violent and threatening, using abusive language towards staff and arresting officers.
Riley failed to appear at Nottingham Magistrates' Court on Monday, February 25, and was later served with an Antisocial Behaviour Order (Asbo) that bans him from entering Bulwell until March 7, 2015.
Enforcement Officer Debbie Beal from Community Protection, a Notts Police and city council partnership, said: "Riley is a self-confessed Class A drug user who enters the Bulwell area to steal to fund that habit. He's been given access to drug rehabilitation services on many occasions, but refuses to engage."
Have a look at our related articles (scroll to top of page) to read about other criminals banned from Nottingham's shops and city centre.