THEY are both popular with families. Both have an array of shops and amenities. And they have some good pubs.
But which is the best place to live – West Bridgford and Bingham?
Well, according to the Sunday Times, the answer is Bingham. The newspaper named it among the top ten towns in the Midlands.
We asked visitors to our website and many disagreed – with nearly one in five picking West Bridgford as the best place to live in Notts.
Jack Shaw, 28, is very much on the side of West Bridgford.
"It has everything," he said. "I've lived here since I was a student and love it.
"You have the pubs, the shops and great sports facilities. And you can easily get into Nottingham.
"I've been to Bingham and like it but West Bridgford gets my vote any day."
Sandra Hollingsworth, 65, also sides with her home town of 30 years, West Bridgford. She said: "I worked as a childminder for many of the years I have lived here. And there could be few better places than West Bridgford to do that.
"It is easy to get around and has some good shops. There are some good schools nearby as well, which you can walk to."
By 5.30pm yesterday, 40 people had voted for West Bridgford, with Bingham gaining 15 votes – trailing behind Kimberley, with 24.
The Sunday Times list isn't the first time Bingham has been praised as a good place to live.
Last year, a study by Family Investments named it as the eighth-best place in the country to bring up children, based on factors such as school exam results, quantity and quality of early-years childcare, local crime figures and the price of homes.
And many people in the town go along with that report, including Chris Birkle, 35, who moved from West Bridgford to live in Bingham.
Though the town is further away, he said: "It's got a good bus service, which I use to get to work in the city. We moved here four years ago because house prices were much better than in West Bridgford.
"We really like it. There are low crime rates and some great schools. There's also some really good pubs and all of the shops we need. It's like a rural West Bridgford."
Claire Gittings, 45, who lives in Bingham with husband Roger and seven-year-old daughter Eliza, said: "We love it here. Eliza goes to Robert Miles Primary, which is a good school, and we have some terrific amenities."
Bingham butcher and resident Clive Lancaster said: "Bingham is great and is getting better. We are going to have a Tesco, a Costa and a Wetherspoon pub. Why wouldn't you want to live here?"