PLANS for a new school on the site of the former Dunkirk Fire Station have moved a step closer.
Nottingham City Council and the Fire Authority have agreed the sale of land at the site to create the Nottingham University Academy of Science and Technology.
The sale of the of 1.5 acres of land to the Department for Education and Education Funding Agency is another step towards the creation of the new school.
It would provide specialist education for students interested in a science, technology, engineering or maths career or in studying at university.
City council leader Councillor Jon Collins said: "Nottingham City Council is pleased to see this site taking on a new purpose.
"The specialist science, technology, engineering, and maths education provided by the Nottingham University Academy of Science and Technology will of clear benefit to both local students and employers."
Fire Authority chairman Darrell Pulk said: "This is great news for the city, for the Dunkirk area and for the students who will eventually study at the academy."