YOUNG people are being given the chance to go on an adventure this summer, thanks to West Nottinghamshire College and the National Citizen Service(NCS).
The college is giving teenagers aged between 16 and 17 the opportunity to spend four weeks over the summer holidays in the great outdoors enjoying physical challenges, learning new social and employability skills and giving something back to their local community.
The NCS, which is delivered by The Big Adventure, across Nottingham and Derbyshire is a government-led initiative designed to support young people in their transition to adulthood through residential projects and community-based activities.
The programme, which costs £40 per person and includes all meals, activities, travel and accommodation includes:
A five-day and four-night residential adventure in the Peak District with outdoor physical and mental challenges. This will also include fun activities such as talent shows, silent discos and ghost tours.
A five-day and four-night stay at the University of Nottingham's halls of residence where employability and communication skills will be developed through a range of activities.
A week at West Nottinghamshire College to plan and take part in a social action project getting involved in volunteering in the local community followed by a week in the community to deliver this social action project.
At the end of the project, participants will graduate together and be presented with a certificate signed by the Prime Minister to recognise their efforts on the programme.
People who want to find out more or to register onto the project, which has a range of start dates from July 2 onwards, should contact Nigel Oldham on 0808 100 3626 ext 8113 or e-mail him at