JOBS and investment are both priorities for the main three parties ahead of tomorrow's election for the county council.
And with the jobless total hitting more than 35,000 in the county, the rate of unemployment in Notts is higher than the national average.
All parties would like to see the opportunities for employment increased, but their thoughts about how they get there differ.
Labour leader Alan Rhodes said that he would like to see the council spend its money more wisely.
He said: "When it comes to jobs and training, this is something we believe in firmly – we want to see more apprentices being taken on by the county council as training and skills are vital.
"We would also like training and jobs supported in other ways that the council spends money. We would want to see work experience and training introduced as part of the council's Local Improvement Scheme projects.
"I think there is a bit too much of a north-south divide in the county at the moment. You look at projects like the A453 which the council put £20 million into and people in Newark, Mansfield, Ashfield and Bassetlaw ask how will this benefit me? We will spend wisely and support benefits for the whole county."
But Conservative leader Kay Cutts said she was proud for getting the A453 expansion started while the council has been under her leadership.
Speaking at the Conservative manifesto launch, she said: "The people of south Nottinghamshire had been waiting for years for something to be done with that road and Labour failed to deliver.
"This project will bring great benefits to the local economy."
The Conservatives have also said they will continue the apprenticeship schemes they have run at the county council and will also help older people retrain to give them skills required to return to work.
They also point to their record of campaigning for faster broadband and improvements to the Midland Mainline as ways they have boosted the local economy.
As for the Liberal Democrats, they have said that encouraging business into the area is "vital".
Leon Duveen, chair of Notts Liberal Democrats, said: "It's pretty simple, if there are no jobs, then people leave, so we need to encourage businesses into the area to provide jobs for people.
"We're also keen on the idea of apprenticeships and if we are in power, we will encourage the council and businesses in the area to see what they can do to boost numbers.
"As for investment in the area, it's good that HS2 is coming here – the hub at Toton will provide close links to the motorway and airport and we will be looking at maximising opportunities from that."