Below is just a handful of the comments written on the "thank you" walls at the Queen's Medical Centre and the City Hospital:
Thank you for the beautiful, wonderful care you gave to our mothers.
B3 Team are amazing – a very hard-working team of superstars.
Angie and Catie Clinic 2 are brilliant – love you all.
Thanks for all the kid wards on E Floor.
Thank you very much for your compassion.
A big thank you for the best job Nottingham University Hospitals does.
Thanks to all nursing staff for your dedication.
D35 Children's ward – exceptional care for the last two weeks from every member of staff.
Thanks, Zoe, great paramedic.
The best wishes for Nottingham's hospitals.
Thank you for everything and getting my son home safe.
You've been so helpful – it's a joy!
You are incredible!
Thank you for looking after my mummy.
My daughter's midwives were wonderful and supported my grandson's natural birth. Thank you.
Thank you for mending my arm.
Thank you to Nicola in Clinic 2, my diabetes nurse making my appointments like a girly chat.
Nurses on B3 were brilliant during my hospital stay – thank you.
Thank you for the support given to student nurses during our practical experience.
Thanks to Catherine in Physio – best patient care and helping me get back on my feet.