A 23-YEAR-OLD man has been jailed for five years for attacking a football fan with a pint glass.
Jamie Burbanks attacked Marcus Fisher at the Stag and Pheasant pub in Clumber Street, Mansfield, at around 9.45pm on Tuesday, June 19 last year.
Marcus and his mum, Amanda, are now campaigning for venue owners to introduce plastics after 9pm under the name No Glass No Smash in a bid to reduce the chances of a repeat incident.
Mrs Fisher said: "This isn't just about what happened to Marcus, it's about stopping people like Burbanks reacting in the way he did.
"If he didn't have that glass in his hand he wouldn't have been able to use it against my son."
Marcus, 21, had been watching the England versus Ukraine Euro 2012 football match at the pub when Burbanks thrust a pint of beer into his face.
Marcus, from Mansfield Woodhouse, suffered a three-inch cut to his left cheek, which needed 11 stitches, and cuts to the left side of his neck and ear.
Burbanks, of Chaucer Street, Mansfield, was arrested the next day.
Detective Constable Steve Dunn said: "I support any attempts to reduce violence but let's not forget that the responsibility ultimately lies with an individual and them making the decision to drink responsibly."