TWO more care homes in Nottingham have had their contracts suspended by the city council after failings in the standard of care were found by inspectors.
The local authority has stopped sending residents to St Andrews Lodge of Riber Crescent, Basford, after inspectors revealed there were problems at the home.
The inspectors' report said: "We found people's dignity was not always respected and people were not always given choices about their care and support.
"Consent was not always gained prior to care and treatment being given. People were not always given safe and appropriate care and were not always supported to maintain their nutrition.
"We found people were not always protected from abuse or the risk of abuse as staff did not always act in line with training they had been given to respond to or report incidents."
The Post spoke to a member of staff at St Andrews Lodge who wanted to remain anonymous.
They said: "A lot of the staff are not properly trained. This is why problems are happening.
"I have been shocked by some of the things that I've seen."
The Care Quality Commission's report revealed that there were "a number of incidents" currently being investigated by Nottingham City Council's adult safeguarding team.
The name of the second care home to have its contract suspended has not yet been revealed.
A city council spokesman said: "Proper care provision is something we take extremely seriously.
"Nottingham City Council and NHS Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group are working with the Care Quality Commission and the management group of St Andrews Lodge to implement a comprehensive improvement plan.
"This is being monitored on a regular basis and the safety and wellbeing of residents at the home continues to be our top priority.
"Should you require any further information or have concerns, please contact Nottingham Health & Care Point on 0300 300 3333.
"The city council currently has temporarily suspended its contract with one other residential home in the city. However, at present we cannot disclose the identity of the home as we are working closely with residents and relatives to ensure they are aware of this and are being supported appropriately."
St Andrews is owned by a company called Methodist Homes. A spokesman for the company said: "Residents' wellbeing is our top priority at all times. Since being acquired in 2011, St Andrews Lodge has undergone a major refurbishment and has been redecorated, fitted with new bathrooms and had its garden landscaped. We set particularly high standards for ourselves and take immediate action to make improvements whenever possible.
"We take this matter extremely seriously and are working closely with the city council and NHS Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group.
"We will strive even harder to maintain and improve the very high care standards that we have built so resolutely over the years."
Police are currently investigating the alleged mistreatment of patients at Landmere Nursing Home in Wilford.
The Post reported in October last year that the city council was forced to suspend contracts at two of its care homes after failings were again found by inspectors.