PUB landlady Nicola Murphy and her friends pledged to raise £10,000 for a Nottingham hospital ward that looked after her late grandmother.
She labelled the bid Flying For Floss in memory of Evelyn Riekstins – affectionately known as Floss – with the eventual aim of a skydive taking them past their target.
Having amassed more than £8,000 so far for the stroke unit at Nottingham City Hospital's Beeston Ward from activities including walking over hot coals, a pampering night, and a glam rock evening, Nicola and four others are preparing for their leap of faith on Wednesday, her 30th birthday.
Celebrations are sure to follow at Nicola's pub, It's Inn The Bank, in Victoria Road, Netherfield, where bacon cobs and champagne are being laid on when they return from the skydive site at Langar.
Nicola said: "Not only have we raised a lot of money for a great cause, it's also been an amazing team-building exercise."
The four jumping with Nicola – Jenny Wisemans, Fiona Green, Marie Carnelley and Marie Coy – have all become much closer friends through taking part in all the fund-raising events.
"And the whole community has shown real spirit. There are 15 girls in the group in total but support has come from so many more."
Nicola can't wait for the jump, adding: "Me and Marie Coy are really excited but I think the others are just excited because they wont have to think about it anymore."
The girls' legacy will live on, with five more taking over the mantle for next year and the Beeston Ward continuing to receive donations.
"We'll help them out with events but they're not setting a target like we have this year," said Nicola.
Amanda Blackshaw, manager of Beeston Ward, said: "The entire ward team are delighted and in awe of Nicola's efforts to raise £10,000 for our stroke unit.
"This phenomenal amount of money will be used to help patients with their recovery and to make life a little more bearable during their stay in hospital.
"We cannot begin to thank Nicola enough for all that she is doing for the benefit of stroke patients."
You can donate towards the cause at, which closes on Wednesday.