RESIDENTS in The Meadows are stepping up their efforts in preparation for a national competition.
Organisers of The Meadows in bloom are ready to convince the RHS national judges on August 1 that their community gardens and green streets are deserving of the highest awards.
The judges will base their decisions on community participation, environmental responsibility and horticultural achievement.
Enthusiastic residents and over 20 organisations, including three schools, residents' associations, sheltered housing and Nottingham City Council, have devised imaginative gardening and horticultural projects to merit Silver and Silver Gilt awards in previous regional rounds of Britain in Bloom. Now one of 80 finalists in the national competition, the Meadows are hoping to go one better.
Meadows in Bloom co-ordinator Guy Jones of The Meadows Partnership Trust said: "This part of Nottingham has an undeserved reputation but things are starting to change. "Gardening in all its forms has brought people together; they sit and chat, share horticultural tips and even water each other's displays. As a community development exercise it has been a great success giving various groups the opportunity to focus on real improvements to their area and forging stronger links within the community in the process."