A CITY MP has called on the Government to backtrack over its controversial "bedroom tax" plans.
Thousands of low-income families across Notts will be forced to pay more rent or move out of their homes when it is introduced on April 1.
Under the plans, according the National Housing Federation, 10,914 people in the East Midlands will lose an average of £512 a year in Housing Benefit if they have one "spare" bedroom in their council or housing association home and £916 a year if they have two or more.
Nottingham South MP Lilian Greenwood said: "The Government urgently needs to look again. This unfair and arbitrary policy is already having a huge impact in Nottingham."
Chris Hobson, East Midlands lead manager for the National Housing Federation, added: "The bedroom tax is flawed and will unfairly penalise thousands of people who have lived in their homes for years, raised families and contributed to their communities.
"The 'one-size-fits-all' approach takes no account of disabled people's adapted homes, of foster parents who need rooms to take children in, or of parents sharing custody who will lose the room for their child at weekends."
Education Secretary Michael Gove defended the plans. He said: "Action is needed because of the way in which our economy was driven into the ground by the Labour Party."